In the next update, this problem will be corrected. This update is planned for mid-January.

Partly due to Corona, the splitting of the payment of the withholding tax for the fourth quarter is no longer a requirement. 

The total amount to be paid will only be due on 15/01/2022.

When the payment orders are printed in your system, the correct total amount is shown but the date is 15/12/2021 (instead of 15/01/2022).

Is it possible to adjust this?



You can change the date on the selection screen:

You can also adjust the number of days after the end of the period in the parameters - General options, tab "Finprof"- tab "Payment terms BV".

Extra information

This date was provided for because previously, when paying on 15/1 for the entire quarter, there could be a penalty for the December advance. 

This December advance has now been abolished, and we are going to adjust Belcofin so that the payment date for the December declaration is now taken for the entire 4th quarter. 

When creating the letters for the payment of the withholding tax, it is possible to change the date in the selection screen. The structured communication is correct, for a quarterly payer it must be xxx/xxxx/934xx.